The Quest for Quality: Sharleen Vancell

Posted: Monday, 26 April 2010 by Joseph Vancell in

Sharleen Vancell (2010) Untitled no. 1
Mixed Media on paper

After failing to secure a generous sponsorship deal from her parents - esteemed patrons of the arts in the local context - to continue her cycle of non-figurative frescoes in the family living room, this budding 2-year old artist has turned her energy and creativity to the more mundane representation of metaphysical issues using a variety of mediums including pencils, crayons and the more versatile pen and wash (plus the occasional chocolate cookie).

The polychrome drawing above, reminiscent of Vassily Kandinsky's and Jackson Pollock's work, was produced in one sitting.  It shows Vancell's current attempts at answering the metaphysical question "What is quality?", a question which has troubled philosophers for millennia.  Indeed, through the use of polychromic lines of various lengths, widths, depth and intensity, and the use of a presitgious colouring surface - the back of her father's printed curriculum vitae - she manages to critically evaluate the human being's relationship with the supernatural and his perception of beauty.