SOK Science & Technology Questions (2nd Year)

Posted: Sunday 29 March 2009 by Joseph Vancell in

Answer ONE question. You can write your essay in either ENGLISH or MALTESE.

1. The scientist can never claim that science gives a complete picture of the universe. Do you agree with this statement? Support your answer with examples from the history of science and from what is happening in science today.

2. The modern scientific method combines manual dexterity and intellectual ability. Experiments help scientists confirm their scientific hypothesis. Discuss.

3. Technology is usually based on scientific principles and its use has brought untold benefits to mankind. Discuss, with reference to some technological devices you make use in your daily life and/or which you used in your technological project.

4. The profound study of nature is the most fertile source of scientific and technological discoveries. Discuss the above statement by making direct reference to human technological development such as housing, transportation, navigation, structures, clothing, camouflage etc.

5. Often scientific projects (inventions and discoveries) become embroiled in controversy. This usually takes the form of opposing factions, with one side promoting the benefits to humans and the other raising ethical objections. Discuss with reference to fairly recent examples.

Assessment of essays based on these questions is only available for my Junior College students.